Project title: Novel concept for targeted photo-thermal cancer treatment
Project number: lzp-2023/1-0243
Project applicant: University of Latvia
Research manager: Dr. Maksym Pogorielov
Project implementation deadline: 01.01.2024. – 31.12.2026.
Total funding of the project: 299 838 EUR
Planned project results:
• original scientific articles the quoting index whereof reaches at least 50 per cent of the average quoting index of the sector which have been submitted or accepted for publication in the journals or conference symposia included in Web of Science Core Collection or SCOPUS databases – 3 
• original scientific articles submitted or accepted for publication in the journals or conference symposia included in Web of Science Core Collection or SCOPUS databases – 2
conference materials (except for those indexed in SCOPUS and    Web of Science Core Collection) – 2
• conference materials: summaries, up to 1 page – 3 
• project proposal submitted in an international or national call for research and development projects – 4 
• successfully defended master’s thesis within the thematic focus of the project – 2 
• doctoral thesis successfully defended according to certain procedures within the thematic focus of the project – 1 
Project Summary:
Despite the progress in chemotherapy and immunotherapy, melanoma is still a one of the leading cause of death in EU population among the all cancer death cases. Among potential alternatives to conventional clinical cancer therapeutic modalities, localized photothermal therapy (PTT) emerge as promising non-invasive light-triggered approaches, relying on the presence of an optical absorbing agent. Due to their ability to respond to light, advanced nanotools are promising agents for PTT. However, current approaches lack the targeting mechanisms that can cause the destruction of non-cancer cells. We hyphothesized, that new nanolaminates - MXenes, that exhibit advanced photo-thermal conversion, can be as an ideal nanoagents for development of anticancer-antibody platform for targeted delivery. The project goal is to create a new effective anticancer treatment strategy based on the target PTT effect, which will be achieved by combining innovative 2D materials with specific monoclonal antibodies against melanoma cells. With the interdisciplinary team from Latvia University we will explore MXene-based solutions for major health problem – cancer treatment that affecting millions of people in the world. Finally, the detailed biological activity characterization of new 2D nanomaterial’s family - MXenes, for the qualitative and quantitative assessment in vitro and ex vivo compatibility and activity towards biomedical applications will open new perspectives in nanomedicine and beyond.