Project title: Laser Photodetachment Spectroscopy on Negative Ions 
Project contract number: lzp-2023/1-0199
Project implementation deadline: 01.01.2024. - 31.12.2026.
Total project funding: 300 000,00 EUR
Research manager: Dr. Hab. phys. Uldis Bērziņš
Planned project results: 
•    original scientific articles the quoting index whereof reaches at least 50 per cent of the average quoting index of the sector which have been submitted or accepted for publication in the journals or conference symposia included in Web of Science Core Collection or SCOPUS databases – 4
•    original scientific articles submitted or accepted for publication in the journals or conference symposia included in Web of Science Core Collection or SCOPUS databases – 6
•    other peer-reviewed scientific articles, which have been published in, submitted for, or accepted by international magazines and collections of articles, except for conference materials – 3
•    conference materials (except for those indexed in SCOPUS and    Web of Science Core Collection):– 4
•    manuscripts of scientific articles included in manuscript databases (preprints) and other publications published under the responsibility of the authors (non-reviewed)– 1
•    patents – 1 
•    project proposal submitted in an international or national call for research and development projects – 3 
•    successfully defended master’s thesis within the thematic focus of the project – 2 
•    doctoral thesis successfully defended according to certain procedures within the thematic focus of the project – 1 
Project Summary:
During the project, studies of the structure and dynamics of negative ions will be performed with the aim of improving our knowledge and understanding of atomic systems in which electron correlation effects play a major role. Spectroscopic measurements of the process of removing an electron from negative ions will be studied. Several experimental equipment will be used for the work. Initial experiments will be carried out on the ion beam equipment GRIBA (Gothenburg Riga Ion Beam Accelerator), which is located at the Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, using the TOF (Time of Flight) spectrometer. Information on the structure of negative ion energy levels will be obtained. The obtained information will make it possible to plan the scheme of the experiment and the necessary (mainly lasers) for high-precision measurements on very advanced experimental equipment at Europe's leading science facilities: GANDALPH at CERN, and DESIREE at Stockholm University. Finally, high-precision data will be obtained and will be published in the world's leading journals and reported at conferences. Senior scientists will work on the project together with MSc, BSc and PhD students. Their results will be used in their PhD, master and bachelor thesis. The data for negative ions are needed by specialists in various fields of science and technology: atomic and molecular physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, atmospheric photochemistry, medicine, semiconductor industry, energetics etc.